Sunday, January 30, 2011

Re-found Treasure

This week has flown passed in a blur.  3D students have elected to focus on 2D this semester. I think they believe it will be easier — well yes and no is the answer to that.  We will see. 

Several years ago I purchased Disney's Snow White for the grand children to see.  I brought it  to school the other day because I wanted to show the seven dwarfs walking. I felt it would be an excellent example of the walk cycle showing personality.  I had bought the collector's edition so there was an extra DVD with extra material on it.  Last Friday was the first time I actually went through that material.  What a goldmine.

Remembering that this was the first full length animated feature from Disney or anyone else at the time.  Also it must be remembered that it was received with rave reviews and cause a stir similar to Star Wars. The first thing I saw was a history of the Disney and that particular film as it was re-released over the years.  That in itself was worth the extra disk.  But also contained were many scenes shown with their story board at the same time for comparison.  WOW is all that I can say.  I can't say how excited I am to find this gem that was in my collection all this time.  What a teaching tool.  This will be the selection for Movie Monday this coming week.

Oh we will still show the seven dwarfs but the week after....

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Well the changes continue.  

Its been a busy time what with the ending of a semester, start of planing for scheduling for next year, getting a student teacher, well the list goes on.  It was so much simpler when I just taught math. :-)

The basics of simple walking for two legged characters and a start on the subject of timing were given.  The lesson showed how the legs move and how the arms and body react as the movement occurs.It also included the shifting of weight and how to give the impression of weight to the characters. In addition, the "acting" of the character to show emotion. It is amazing how we don't think like that until its pointed out then WOW its obvious.  The lesson only took a short time and already I am seeing the difference in some of the students work.

The next step will be to introduce the importance of the timing and "line of action"

The resources I am using have been around a long time.  The two primary ones at this time are

"Character Animation: 2D Skills for Better 3D, Second Edition (Focal Press Visual Effects and Animation)" by Steve Roberts, and

" Animation 1: Learn to Animate Cartoons Step by Step (Cartooning, Book 1" by Preston J. Blair

The last one is a classic, with many examples of movements etc.